I need some serious counsel before I make any mistakes because I am about to graduate. I am aware that there are tools available online, but because of their expertise, a human mentor can accomplish far more than those resources can.
Any leads would be greatly appreciated.
What direction am I in need of?
I was curious about the digital marketing abilities I needed to acquire, and hone, and how to be prepared for the workforce by the time I graduate.
Take caution when looking for mentors. Services such as SCORE.org will frequently attempt to connect you with a recently retired company executive. These folks frequently possess age-old wisdom, but they are cut off from the realities of contemporary business. Furthermore, loved ones, friends, and other members of your own network may frequently operate as an excessive echo chamber, promoting your opinions no matter what. You are not looking for a fan; rather, you are looking for someone who will push you and your beliefs while offering helpful advice on how to overcome obstacles.