I'm thinking about discontinuing my email newsletter due to the lack of return on investment

This year, I launched a weekly email newsletter for my B2B company, featuring three articles each week tailored to my customers. Although I use AI to write the blog articles, it still takes considerable time to assemble and edit them so they don’t sound robotic. Writing each article from scratch would take me days.

I get a decent open rate of 20%, but the click-through rate barely reaches 1%. So far, I haven’t booked any clients or generated leads from these newsletters. Although I’ve received some compliments from clients, none of them have translated into more business.

Am I expecting too much? Should my email newsletter simply serve as a way to stay top of mind without expecting immediate business?

I’m leaning towards discontinuing it because it’s a lot of work with little to no engagement. I’m considering shifting my focus to video and social media content instead.