Marketing plan template

Hello, fellas. Could somebody please direct me to a suitable marketing plan template or structure? I have a lot of trouble organizing myself and the information I acquire, so I would appreciate anything that would help me. Thank you in advance.

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Here is a simpler version of the marketing plan format:

The main thing to know about marketing plans is that usually, only the author reads it completely.

If you want to create a useful plan, here’s a clear and simple format I’ve used successfully for B2B. I call it “Total Brand Awareness for Sales & Marketing.” Here’s how it’s structured:

  • Purpose: Explain who the plan is for and what it’s about.
  • Branding: Value Proposition: Describe what you offer to companies.
  • Branding: Brand Promise: Explain what you promise to your customers.
  • Product Brief: One paragraph for each product.
  • Product Detail: Specific details for each product, including value propositions, features, alignment with brand values, key buyer persona, and talking points for sales calls.
  • Buyer Personas: One slide per persona with bullet points on their goals, challenges, objections, purchase triggers, and your approach to them.
  • Style Guide: Outline how your brand looks and speaks.
  • Social Campaigns: Plan for your social media activities.
  • Content Marketing Strategies: A one-slide summary of your content plan.
  • Paid Media Strategies: A one-slide summary of your keyword, site, and ABM strategies.
  • Sales & Marketing Library: Links to all supporting documents.
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Here is something very simple I just learned about: Tettra | AI Internal Knowledge Base & Knowledge Management

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This person is into marketing.
I do not use the exact same format, but this is pretty much what I’d suggest.