What is the opposite of evergreen content in digital marketing?

What’s the opposite of ‘evergreen content’ in digital marketing? You know, like the kind of content that’s not timeless and doesn’t stay relevant long-term?


Typically, ‘promotional’ or ‘reactive’ would fit if you’re describing ‘evergreen’ as content that can be posted and utilized anytime. ‘Promotional’ suggests it’s linked to a promotion with specific timing, while ‘reactive’ refers to content created in response to something else, like a trend or customer query.


My response would be: short-term content, time-sensitive content.

The idea is that blogs and YouTube videos are meant to be discoverable for years, whereas people generally don’t search through the information flows of Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

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I agree with your response. I think things that have their brief moment of fame fit into this category.

I like the term “ephemeral.”